
Na današnji dan prije 30 godina utemeljena je Udruga SOS Dječje selo Hrvatska.

Brižan dom za svu djecu koja nemaju priliku odrastati uz biološke roditelje.

30 godina prihvaćanja, razumijevanja, pažnje, ljubavi, brige, suza i smijeha.


Uz svu požrtvovnost, ljubav i predanost naših SOS mama, teta i svih djelatnika,

te nesebičnu podršku prijatelja, donatora i partnera kroz 30 godina stvarali smo

obitelj za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi.


S veseljem, na današnji dan,

prisjećamo se početaka rada SOS Dječjih sela u Lekeniku i Ladimirevcima,

te djece koja su boravila u Selima i odrasla u SOS Zajednicama mladih i

razmišljamo koliko smo toga postigli.

Disali smo, plakali, smijali se i rasli zajedno sa svakim nam povjerenim djetetom.


Hvala Vam svima od srca na nesebičnoj podršci.

Raduje nas 30 svjećica na rođendanskoj torti.

Otpuhnimo ih zajedno uz veliku želju da naša predanost i ljubav prema našoj

misiji, stvaranja obitelji za nezbrinutu djecu, bude još jača i veća.


Jer, nijedno dijete ne bi smjelo odrastati samo.


30 years ago today, we founded the Association SOS Children’s Village Croatia.

A loving home for all children who cannot live with their biological parents.

30 years of acceptance, understanding, attention, love, care, tears and laughter.


With all the selflessness, love and dedication from our SOS mothers, SOS aunts,

and all the other co-workers,

and generous support from our friends, donors and partners,

in the past 30 years we have built a family

for children without adequate parental care.


On this joyful day,

we look back on the very beginnings of

SOS Children’s Villages in Lekenik and Ladimirevci,

we remember all the children who lived in our Villages

and grew up in our SOS Youth Facilities,

and we think about everything that we accomplished.

We breathed, cried and laughed with every child entrusted to our care

and we grew with them.


Thank you for all of your generous support from the bottom of our heart.

We are so glad for these 30 little candles on our birthday cake.

Let’s blow out the candles together and make a wish

that our commitment and love for our mission of creating families

for children in need shall continue to grow even bigger and stronger.


Because no child should ever grow up alone.


S Vama dijelimo predivnu rođendansku čestitka koja nam stiže iz SOS Dječjeg sela Lekenik:


30. godina SOS Dječjeg sela Hrvatska
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